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People paddling in lake Päijänne

Tältä sivulta löydät viestintäkanavamme ja hallitusten yhteystiedot. Vastaamme mielellämme kaikkiin kysymyksiin!


Hydepakki is a name for a combination of two outdoor clubs, Hyde and Teepakki. Thus itself, it is not an official organization, but it consists of two organizations that work closely together. Both Hyde and Teepakki have their own administration but all the events are common. This way, we provide a broader range of events and possibilities to meet people in and outside your own university.


Message individual board members using firstname.lastname[at]
Boards of each association separately using and


Hyde (Helsingin yliopiston partiolaiset ry) is an organization originating from University of Helsinki. Hyde arranges nice outdoor activity such as hiking, trekking and other fun sports. Hyde was founded in 1989.

  • Hyden hallitus 2025

    Chair of the board:
    Senni Pihlman
    Vice chair:
    Marlon Tobaben
    Lotta Korpi
    Master of coin:
    Tuan Nguyen
    Storage manager:
    Pihla Toivanen
    Social media manager
    Venla Salonen
    Environmental and equality manager
    Erika Liiri
    Harassment contact person:
    Senni Pihlman, Erika Liiri
    Information security officer:
    Pihla Toivanen
    Hallituksen jäsen:
    Elias Heiskanen

Rules of Hyde

Environment and equality program

Principles of safer space


Polyteknikkojen partioklubi Teepakki ry is a hiking and outdoor association for the students of Aalto University. Teepakki was founded on 30.3.1965 as a scouting association under the Student Union of the Helsinki University of Technology.

  • Teepakin hallitus 2025

    Chair of the board:
    Jalmari Pitkänen
    Vice chair:
    Elias Ylä-Jarkko
    Venla Kekkinen
    Master of coin:
    Sini Janhunen
    Storage manager:
    Sajib Mynul, Elias Ylä-Jarkko
    Information responsible:
    Ilari Tulkki
    Ilari Tulkki
    Social media:
    Pooya Saremi
    Scout scarf responsible:
    Aini Hartikka
    Graphics and merchandise:
    Pooya Saremi
    Harrastment contact persons and environment and equality responsible:
    Jalmari Pitkänen, Venla Kekkinen

Rules of Teepakki

Principles of safer space