Become a member by paying the membership fee of 7€ to Hyde or Teepakki bank account. Membership fee is payed annually. For new members, a fee payed in September or later covers also the following year.
Members may participate in overnight trips and rent equipment from Teepakki
Teepakki (Polyteknikkojen partioklubi Teepakki ry)
Aalto University students and other Teepakki-minded can join Teepakki
Become a member by filling the membership form and paying 7 euros to Teepakki's account FI31 6601 0003 2436 64 (BIC AABAFI22).
The information on the form is collected to comply with Finnish association law and AYY association guidelines and will not be used for marketing purposes. The membership form must be filled annually when paying the membership fee to activate your membership.
Hyde (Helsingin yliopiston partiolaiset ry)
University of Helsinki students and other Hyde-minded can join Hyde.
Pay 7 euros to Hyde’s account FI52 1572 3006 1040 46 (BIC NDEAFIHH). Give the payment the following message: “Membership fee + (Full name) + (Municipality of residence) + I am / am not a member of HYY + (Student number if you’re a member of HYY)”. The details above are collected based on the member list requirements in Finnish association law and the rules of HYY.
Remember to join our info channels and group chats to see what is coming. Info about the largest events is also posted on the Events page.